Saturday, August 29, 2009

i'm currently reading the book Blue Like Jazz
and it's given me a lot of insight to what it really means to live in God's love and His characteristics

Don's a brilliant storyteller. There's only one more chapter in the book to go before I'm finished and frankly I'm quite sad and wished there was more.
I've tried reading some other Christian books but some of them are just so dense and I don't feel like i can relate to it. But the way Don writes this book, you really feel like you're reading his testimony about God and he's being completely real with you not pretending to be spiritual but laying everything out plainly. I really appreciate that because I'm terrible at trying to understand conceptual things.

I just finished the chapter on Love: how to really love other people. It convicted me so much because I experience and see so much of the same thing. He wrote:
"We think of love as a commodity...with love, we withheld affirmation from the people who did not agree with us, but we lavishly financed the ones who did."

I am guilty of this. I judge and punish those who are not the same as me by withholding my love from them but Christ said that we are to love everyone just as they are.
"God had never withheld love to teach me a lesson."

In our church today, we look down and withhold our love from those we don't agree with or those who don't conform to what we think is right. I'm sick and tired of being judged and judging others. In the end, the only view that matters is Yours, I'm free. Father may Your love fall upon me and on this generation that we may stop doing this but love everyone as You love them.

・:*:・May we all be like magnets・:*:・

part of the inspiration for the name of this blog

"She left pieces of her life behind her everywhere she went. It's easier to feel the sunlight without them, she said."